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April 21, 2015

April 21, 2015
John Vieira, Susan Mitchell, Holly Palmgren, Ron Thompson, and Dave Caporello from the PCC were in attendance as well as Larry Todd and Brett Trowbridge associate members.

John Vieira called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm.


  • No Notice of Intent has been received as of yet for the Route 140 project.  PCC would like the applicant to refile for this project due to no NOI filed as yet.
  • A continuation for a Notice of Intent filed by Northland Engineers, Inc. for Martha Upton for 1 Rhodes Road, Princeton for septic system replacement for existing single family home within 100’ buffer zone.   Valarie Sibley gave a presentation for Northland Engineers for the NOI for DEP File No. 267- 0379.  The wetlands were delineated in June of 2013.  An infiltrator system will be installed with work beginning as soon as the weather breaks.  PCC did a site visit on April 20, 2015 with John Vieira, Brian Keevan, Sue Mitchell and Brett Trowbridge in attendance.  An additional plan was submitted that showed the erosion control locations.  PCC issued an Order of Conditions with Special Conditions as written.
  • Ken Whitney informed the PCC that DCR is still working on the Notice of Intent for the Emergency Culvert repairs (3) for the Princeton Fire Department for Old County Road as a result of the Paradise Pond Project.  A site visit took place on March 14, 2015 with KenWhitney from Princeton Fire Department, John Vieira, Susan Mitchell,  Brian Keevan from the PCC in attendance.   Brian Keevan recused himself from this project.   
  • John Vieira attended a second meeting with the Board of Selectmen as well as Ron Thompson and Brian Keevan.  The Select Board thought it made sense to have a 7 member Commission.  As of June there will be one vacancy and two up for renewal.
  • John Vieira has a meeting with DCR next week to discuss the Culvert Study that U Mass is willing to do with the help of the PCC members.  
  • PCC will do a site visit at the Markley property Lot 3 Calamint Hill Road to identify what they need to do to come into compliance.  They will be notified to see which date is best.

  • Received from Tec Associates the 2015 Yearly Operational Plan for the Providence & Worcester Railroad Company Vegetation Control Program.   PCC will verify the contact information.
PCC received a call from Chris Fife regarding a Certificate for Compliance for Old Brook Station Road.  He was given the information to file a Request for a Certificate of Compliance.
The March 17, 2014 minutes were accepted with minor changes.
Meeting was adjourned at 8:00 PM.

                                                Marsha Dowdy